Pastimes – and the prize in Oz goes to…

There are as many pastimes as there are humans, though many choose to do what others like too. A few which you might recognise.

We were in Rocky Hole ( a natural pond) in Mount Mee eating our picnic when two men appeared in wet suits – we were a little surprised. They spent a good half hour putting on all sorts of instruments like pick axes and hammers and torches into their belts. We looked on in amazement wondering what on earth they were doing – so I asked ! The floating gentleman informed me that in the cooler waters people lose jewellery as their fingers shrink and they were off to find some among the terrapins, the weeds and crevasses.

Forget gold diggers or embroiderers there is clearly money to be made in this amusing pastime – they get the prize for something totally Oz – ball.

3 responses to “Pastimes – and the prize in Oz goes to…”

  1. Frances Maitland avatar
    Frances Maitland

    Now that’s a different pastime. I guess they do the work they get the rewards but sad for the person who lost that precious ring!
    It reminds me of someone I knew years ago. He had more hobbies and all the gear to go with than anyone ever! Bookbinding, gold prospecting, bird watching, jewellery making, flute, cabinet making , scuba diving, I could continue……. And still has all the gear in storage. Now there’s a story!


    1. Fran, I was curious what their gear cost and whether they ever recovered enough to put them in the black so to speak. Half the joy for them must have been getting dressed up !


  2. Love yr ‘Oz ball’ comment!


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