
I had the opportunity to visit the Embroiderers Guild over the weekend for their annual exhibition. So much to see and admire but I will confine myself to sharing with you the three framed works for their 50 years in 2018. Each member contributed one panel to these three panels. They are as varied as they are exquisite.

I spoke to one of the ladies there who very kindly gave me advice on how to start my own embroidery which I received this Christmas and was stuck on how to start it. She was so helpful in explaining just what I needed to do as well as giving me a wealth of other resources I could tap into.

If you look up classes you will see a whole list of types of embroidery, Jacobean Crewel work, Silk shading, Applique and Stumpwork. We all remember grandmothers and aged aunts sitting quietly and passing the time. These pastimes are now making a comeback and slow stitching is one such. It was just a wonderful way to pass the time in the company of some very creative women.

If you had to chose a favourite piece from the panels which one would it be?

3 responses to “Pastimes”

  1. Athena Ierodiaconou avatar
    Athena Ierodiaconou

    Wow! Amazing work! Am really enjoying zooming in and examining them one by one.


    1. Hi Athena, I thought you might like these – arent they beautiful. Lovely the kookaburra and the wattle branch. Pop me a message when you find your favourites. x M


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